Noroth is an E-Commerce website that I created in 2011. It utilizes the API from Amazon Associates, in which you must apply and be accepted before you can use it. Once you're accepted into their program, you can use their API to download and advertise Amazon products on your own website and earn a commission from every sale. The website is completely hand coded by me. The heavy lifting was done on the back end by PHP and API calls linked to a MySQL database.

I coded the website with the idea that I would be able to license software to other entrepreneurs so that they could build their own version of my website after being accepted into the Amazon Associates program. The business model may be common today, but in 2011, it was quite rare, so I like to think I was ahead of the curve with this business model.

The website was remarkably successful during its time, proving to be highly profitable. However, before I could market the software and license it, Amazon completely changed their API structure, which means that I would have had to start over and rebuild the software from the ground up. It was still a great experience, and I learned a lot from the project, especially about SEO, Google marketing, and Amazon API policies.

Tools Used
