Cyber Planet 2000 was my very first website created way back in 1997. This was in the early days of the dot com bubble, still several years away from the crash. Some of the most popular websites this year included Yahoo, Excite, Lycos, Netscape, Infoseek, and Altavista. Google had just registered their domain name while I was hard at work trying to make the next big website.

My plan for Cyber Planet 2000 was to create a website that would rival I know, it was quite an endeavor, but I was young and ambitious. In the words of Norman Vincent Peale, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." I wanted my website to be the front-page of the internet. I wanted everyone to bookmark my site and make it their home page, so I needed to include everything.

I got a pretty good start on it by including the entire Yahoo website directory. Back in those days, website directories rivaled search engines for sourcing websites. These days search engines won out, but Yahoo put up a good fight with their Yahoo website directory for many years. And I had it on my homepage! Check that one off the list.

People also want the current news on their home page. People want to check and send emails. So, I added both of those to my website. I'm already off to a good start, I've got the 3 most important things that people do on the internet right there on my homepage. Internet stardom, here I come.

In modern times, we have social media. But we didn't have that back in the 90s. What did we have? We had chat rooms! So, guess what? I added that to my website as well. You want to know what the weather is like outside? Bam! I've got that too.

What else could you want from a website? Music? Clip-art? Horoscopes? TV Listings? Stocks? Books? I added all that as well.

Want the lottery numbers? I've got that as well. Sorry, only past numbers. I have a feeling if I had the future lottery numbers on my website, then perhaps my website might have fulfilled my dream of surpassing and I would have a different story to tell.

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